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Worship Ministries

Worship MinistriesHere at Northbrook, we say along with the David the psalmist, “May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer” (Psalm 19:14). Our desire is that God would be honored in every aspect of our corporate worship.

We incorporate various musical styles in our worship. We believe that all styles of music can be used for the glory of God regardless of our personal preferences. God is our audience and we seek to use all of the musical resources which He has given to us as we are able.

Our worship service is what you might call “blended”. Typical instrumentation on a Sunday morning often incorporates guitar, piano, bass, and drums. Although we draw on a variety of contemporary songs for corporate worship, you will often find us doing modern arrangements of traditional hymns as well as well as newer hymns such as How Deep The Father’s Love For Us or In Christ Alone. On Sundays when the band is not available, we utilize CD and DVD worship tracks such as those from the popular iWorship series.

Volunteer Opportunities

We have the following opportunities for service:

Worship Teams

Worship TeamsWe would welcome vocalists or instrumentalists who wish to serve in our worship services. Check out our worship team page for our worship sets and weekly themes.

Sound and Technical Ministry

Tech MinistriesThe sound and technical ministry is open to reliable individuals who have some technical knowledge, are willing to learn, and have an ear for music. Training is available. Volunteers need to be available at least once a month for a Sunday morning.

Contact Us!

If you are interested in getting involved in any of these areas, please contact Andrew Johnson. He would be glad to discuss how you might use your time and talents to serve the Lord here at Northbrook.Volunteers Wanted