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Missions Ministry

The Christian and Missionary Alliance denomination has a vibrant group of both international and stateside workers.

The purpose of the missions committee at Northbrook Alliance is to keep the congregation informed about the ministries and prayer needs of these individuals as well as other Christian ministries. This is accomplished in several ways:

  1. Prayer needs are shared in Sunday church bulletins, and an Alliance missionary is highlighted each month.
  2. Weekly posts on social media are sent out on Monday, as we affectionately label it #MissionsMonday.
  3. Video clips about international work are viewed during some Sunday services.
  4. Information from the “Voice of the Martyrs” website is shared periodically on Sunday mornings.
  5. There are meals prepared based on our “focus” countries so our members can “experience” a little piece of that culture.
  6. Church members who have had international mission experiences are encouraged to share these with the congregation.
  7. Northbrook highlights three ministries during the year that have strong ties to the church (Timberbay Ministries, CAMA Services and Outpost Ministries).
  8. The annual missions conference is held in the fall each year. We welcome an Alliance international worker and plan several activities over a 5-day period. These activities give the congregation an opportunity to get to know the international worker personally and to learn more about vital work being accomplished around the world.


Annual Missions Conference

Our Annual Missions Conference is TBD, stay tuned!

Jesus said:

“GO therefore and MAKE DISCIPLES of all nations, BAPTIZING them inthe name of the FATHER and of the SON and of the HOLY SPIRIT, TEACHING them to OBSERVE all that I have commanded you. AND BEHOLD, I AM WITH YOU ALWAYS, to the end of the age” (Matthew 28:19-20 ESV).

This year, our missions conference focuses on creating access to the countries we are trying to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ to through countries who are resistant to Christians.



Join us at Northbrook Alliance Church in Brooklyn Center, MN to hear what the Lord is doing through Creative Access Missionaries!



Missions Conference Schedule


Please join us for as many of the activities as you can during the week!